InnerWork Collection

InnerWork Collection

In-depth 90-minute multi-part videos exploring the depth and limits of being human. Most include one-hour portions never aired on television.

InnerWork Collection
  • Jeanne Achterberg - Imagery in Healing

    1 season

    Imagery has been used in healing continuously since the times of ancient shamans. In the first part of this two-part program, the late Jeanne Achterberg discusses the holographic model of the brain and suggests that mental images mediate between our conscious intentions and our physiology. She ci...

  • Weston Agor - Intuition in Business

    1 season

    Intuition is a brain skill that organizations must learn to tap in order to remain competitive. In part one of this two part program Professor Agor discusses ways in which organizations can learn to accommodate intuitive styles. He suggests that there are both introvert intuitives and extrovert i...

  • Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas) - Exploring Personal Essence

    1 season

    Most western psychologies do not recognize the essence, although it is central to the primordial traditions of humanity. In part one of this two part program, Hameed Ali defines our essence as that part of us which is unconditioned by our personal life history. As opposed to our personality, the ...

  • Bernard Baars - How Consciousness Functions

    1 season

    Consciousness was dismissed as a topic for scientific discussion in psychology for over fifty years. Now things have changed. Bernard J. Baars presents a model of consciousness as a global workspace and suggests that the contours of consciousness can be understood by contrasting conscious and unc...

  • Jean Shinoda Bolen - Archetypal Psychology

    1 season

    Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity, an acausal principle, connects the ego to the larger archetypal self. This connection is like the ancient Chinese concept of the Tao in that it cannot be rationally understood. Jean Shinoda Bolen suggests that the images of the ancient dieties represent power...

  • Price Cobbs - Understanding Prejudice

    1 season

    The demographics of society are forcing us to come to terms with cultural diversity. To overcome lazy mental habits, we must consciously work to treat human beings of different races, genders, religious and ethnic groups and handicaps as unique individuals. In part one of this two-part program th...

  • Eleanor Criswell - Somatic Yoga

    1 season

    Yoga is a way of life involving attitudinal shifts, postures for flexibility and strength, sensory awareness, breathing exercises and meditation. In part one of this two part program Dr. Eleanor Criswell presents a perspective combining the classical yoga of Patanjali with modern somatic psycholo...

  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - Flow, Creativity and the Evolving Self

    1 season

    In Part One of this three-part program, Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi discusses the results of over thirty years researching the lives of highly creative individuals. He points out that creativity involves a lifelong commitment that begins with one's personal life and moves beyond to the larger cultural...

  • Gayle Delaney - Understanding Your Dreams

    1 season

    Every dream has a unique meaning that can be learned. In part one of this two-part interview, Dr. Gayle Delaney presents her unique method of dream inter-viewing, and distinguishes her approach from the classical methods of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. She emphasizes the importance of not imposin...

  • Larry Dossey - The Art of Healing

    1 season

    A key element in any healing process is the capacity of each patient to see their own unique meaning in events. In part one of this two part program, Dr. Larry Dossey describes several case histories in which this quality of meaning was crucial to understanding the disease process. He concludes b...

  • Riane Eisler - Reclaiming Our Past, Recreating Our Future

    1 season

    At the dawn of modern civilization, says Riane Eisler, humanity shifted from a partnership model of social interaction to a dominator model. In a partnership model men and women treat each other as equals. Ms. Eisler details the archeological findings suggesting that neolithic and Cretan societie...

  • Albert Ellis - A Guide to Rational Living

    1 season

    Working to change your personal philosophy is a valid therapeutic technique -- one which can lead to genuine growth. Behavior, emotion and cognition, says Albert Ellis, are all interrelated. He tells us how to recognize irrational belief patterns based on "musts" and "shoulds." He then presents m...

  • Edith Fiore - The Unquiet Dead

    1 season

    What connection do we really have with the souls of those who have lived here before? Psychologist Edith Fiore describes how, working with her clients, she has come to diagnose and treat cases of apparent spirit possession. She demonstrates an actual depossession technique, a method entirely diff...

  • Stanislav Grof - The Adventure of Self-Discovery

    1 season

    What is the origin of individual behavior and personality? Stanislav Grof proposes that individuals have systems of condensed experience (COEX systems) which become anchored to aspects of the birth trauma. In Part I of this program, he describes four different basic stages of the birth process an...

  • Thomas Hanna - Unlocking Your Body

    1 season

    According to Thomas Hanna, many of the effects of aging -- aching muscles and joints, stooped posture, stiffness and weakness -- are unnecessary and reversible. These problems are not due to structural weaknesses in the body but to sensory-motor amnesia which can be corrected. He demonstrates sev...

  • Jean Houston - Possible Human, Possible World

    1 season

    We are living at a unique historical moment when the cultures of the entire world are available to us, and we are challenged as we have never before been. In Part One of this two-part program, Dr. Jean Houston describes the range of human capacities that are found in different cultures. She focus...

  • W. Brugh Joy - Healing and the Unconscious

    1 season

    The unconscious, says Dr. Brugh Joy, is composed of multiple, autonomous personalities. These personalities affect our state of health -- from allergic response to disease states such as diabetes and cancer. He suggests that the unconscious mind is far more extensive and powerful than is generall...

  • Pir Vilayat Khan- The Rapture of Being

    1 season

    The Sufi path, says Pir Vilayat, is one of merging our individual existence with the divine reality. The dancing of Sufis is an expression of the dynamic shifting equilibriums of life, striving, from moment to moment, toward higher states of being. As we come to understand our true being, we real...

  • U. G. Krishnamurti - The Mystique of Enlightenment

    1 season

    Those who offer enlightenment or salvation appear to often operate more as businessmen than as authentic spiritual teachers. In Part One of this two-part program, U. G. Krishnamurti he denies any possibility of knowledge of enlightenment. The very attempt to achieve enlightenment is an obstacle i...

  • James Kouzes - Leadership from Within

    1 season

    What is the difference between management and leadership? While effective management is needed to maintain the status quo, it is leadership that moves us forward to a new vision of the future. The path to leadership, says James Kouzes, is an inner process much like the mythological hero's journey...

  • George Leonard - Awakening Your Body's Energies

    1 season

    Your body, says George Leonard, is an instrument vastly more sensitive than the most powerful computer. In this dynamic and practical program he demonstrates several awareness exercises in which you, as viewer, can participate. These include balancing and centering, transforming pain to energy, "...

  • Stephen Levine - Conscious Living, Conscious Dying

    1 season

    Genuine healing occurs when we take ourselves mercifully into our own hearts and accept the totality of our lives. This healing of the soul or spirit, says Stephen Levine, is independent of bodily healing. We harden our hearts when we fail to forgive ourselves of our own pain. In this sense, one ...

  • John Lilly - From Here to Alternity

    1 season

    John Lilly reveals a lifelong pattern of deep inner exploration, beginning with his psychoanalysis in the 1940s, his development of the sensory isolation tank in the 1950s, his dolphin communication research in the 1960s and his experiments with psychoactive drugs through the 1980s. He describes ...

  • Rollo May - The Human Dilemma

    1 season

    Existential psychology emphasizes philosophic rather than psychopathological aspects of the human condition. In this animated, two-part discussion, Dr. May proposes that genuine growth comes from confronting the pain of existence rather than escaping into banal pleasures or shallow, positive thin...